Case study 8 – Awareness-raising and education campaigns to strengthen resilience in four municipalities of the department of Madriz and the Northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region in Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, Partners for Resilience (PfR) worked to reduce the risk of disaster in four municipalities of the department of Madriz that are in what is known as the Central American “Dry Corridor.” It also promoted the development and implementation of a regional climate change strategy in the Northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region. As the program aimed to reduce the risk of disasters through climate change adaptation and the management and restoration of local ecosystems, it created an awareness-raising and education campaign aimed at a broad sector of the public in the areas of intervention.

Festival de viento, concurso de cometas y papalotes , Realización de murales con jóvenes de San José de Cusmapa y Las Sabanas , Incendio en la reserva natural de Mangas Verdes (2014) (vídeo participativo), Rally ciclístico Tapacalí – 15 de mayo del 2014 , El tesoro escondido (vídeo participativo), Festival de Música Ambiental, Las Sabanas , Jornada de limpieza, Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, Las Sabanas, 5 junio 2013 , Feria Alimentaria, Día Mundial de la Madre Tierra, 24 abril 2013, Cusmapa , Educational Fair: International Day for Disaster Reduction 2012, Somoto, Nicaragua , What is the role of women in community resilience? , Introduction to the theme of ecosystems , Pobres Pedro y María (vídeo participativo), Dominados (vídeo participativo), Fire in the natural reserve of Mangas Verde (2014),,,,,,,,,,,,,

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