Engaging Stakeholders in a Preliminary Urban Assessment:

This document provides materials for  the  planning and delivery of a workshop to engage with stakeholders and, using systems thinking, to begin an urban assessment. The overall goal is that this will be one of  the  first steps to developing integrat­ed programming at the community level to build overall urban resilience.

Stakeholder engagement is a core component of  urban assessment process. However, it is flexible enough to be used throughout project/program implementation cycle with minor tweaks. Both people in vulnerable communities AND the people who provide, design, maintain, and make and enforce policies about access to services and resources have  key perspectives on community and city vulnerability. Only by enabling dialogue with and between people from both groups, and with people working at the  community but also  the  city, regional, and possibly national scale, can  you really begin to identify opportunities for  RCRC action that will  build city-wide resilience.


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