Comparative Review of Social Media Analysis Tools for Preparedness: Terms of Reference

In collaboration with other partners, the GDPC seeks to build out the current knowledge and awareness within the global Red Cross network on how the information exchange and communication on social media platforms can be better integrated into the work of the Red Cross. Beyond looking at the access to information and communication within networks, it is a key interest to better understand how the GDPC and other actors within the Red Cross Red Crescent can leverage information from social media channels to assess and display interests in preparedness topics and disaster related events on different timelines and identify trends in humanitarian work.  Ultimately, it is envisioned that such information will allow the RCRC network to have greater awareness of the diverse needs and interests on the ground and adapt programming and communication strategies to enable vulnerable communities to better prepare for and cope with disasters.

See attachements bellow for terms of reference and proposal template. 


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