Background on the site

This website is a place to share experience and learning on disaster preparedness and related topics.

Who is the site for?

Disaster Preparedness practitioners and champions at all levels are the primary audience for the site, spanning a wide variety of settings:

National <-> Local

Humanitarian <-> Development

Who controls and maintains this site?

The GDPC maintains and supports the site. The content and direction of the site though are up to you as users and contributors. Add new text and topics, upload new resource materials, rate and discuss material already uploaded on the site. If you see a gap or know of resources or examples that aren’t mentioned, please help fill those gaps.

How is the site structured?

The site is set up around four main sections that are interlinked as useful and appropriate:

  • Key Topics for preparedness (including a section on Hazards)
  • A Resource and tool library
  • Country pages
  • User profiles and connections

What is the relation to other preparedness, DRR, and DRM sites?

The GDPC site is a “one-stop shop” to collect a wide range of resources and information on disaster preparedness and to connect with other practitioners. The site has three main distinguishing features:

  • Public facing site to maximize accessibility of information and resources
  • Practitioner-oriented
  • Robust set of tools to support collaboration across countries, languages, and contexts.

What languages can be used on the site?

The site provides several entry points for sharing and accessing content and resources in different languages:

  • Language “landing” pages
  • Resource materials in a wide variety of languages
  • Cross-language search
  • Topic, Hazard, and Country pages in various languages (potential future feature)

How can you start contributing?

If you are interested to contribute to the design or content of the site, please go to Get Involved.

How can you find out more about the site?

If you have questions about the site, please contact Ian O’Donnell at All questions are welcome.

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